unlock the muse within

For She holds the KEY to Awaken…

the power of the embodied Goddess

free your creative life force ENERGY

She who resides in the womb of all womb-men

She has been called the Muse for indeed, when she is unleashed, men are inspired, mesmerised, transfixed and transmuted.

In the myth of the Hero's Journey by Joseph Campbell, it is the Muse who activates the hero to fulfill his mission. 

For every one of us holds a key - a key to unlock an aspect of Creation without which, we shall be the poorer

liberate your creative life force energy, Transform and connect to divine inspiration: the muse

activate the sacred temple of the womB

Unlock The Muse Within and Transform Your Life by working co-creatively With Spirit

In activating the Creative force, an aspect of life itself, we allow Creative Life Force energy to flow within the body. In this sacred work, we heal what’s hidden from view within the womb, healing at the cellular level, to bring peace, harmony, joy and expansion to the very seat of our creativity

Join me on a transformative journey to set free the She within - the true feminine, the Divine Feminine, the sacred Muse.

A profound healing to awaken the power of the embodied goddess

Your Sacral Centre:

The Seat of Creativity

As women, we have the power to create life.  The womb, located at the 2nd or Sacral chakra, is the centre of our creative and personal power.  It’s where life force energy originates, allowing you to manifest your deepest desires.

You may even feel disconnected from your body, trapped by societal expectations, and overwhelmed by the demands of daily life. All of which make it challenging to tap into your inner wisdom and feminine power.

Perhaps you are experiencing:

Emotional Turmoil

Struggling with:

  • unresolved trauma

  • regret

  • guilt

  • anger

  • self-hatred

  • shame

  • rage

You may be feeling dissatisfied, with a yearning to express yourself more creativity.

Physical Discomfort

Suffering from:

  • menstrual pain

  • fertility issues

  • the effects of surgery or other invasive procedures in the womb

You may be unable to access the power within you to create what you desire.

Or feel weighed down and held back from fulfilling your purpose.

Spiritual Disconnection


  • lost

  • ungrounded

  • depressed or restricted

  • out of sync with your inner self

  • and the world around you

You may be seeking a deeper connection with Divine Feminine flow, a desire for expansion and freedom

Or wish to balance your masculine drive with a softer, more receptive energy

Common Blocks in the Sacral Chakra

  • Inherited beliefs and trauma

  • Trauma from current and past lives

  • Physical experiences related to pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, caesarian (c-section), hysterectomy, or heavy periods

  • Energy cords from others tapping into and draining your energy

  • Personal beliefs or family / societal messaging encoded into the body preventing you from accessing your power

These deeply felt and imprinted emotions and energies, if not released, continue to be stored within the body cementing themselves into the cells where they remain locked, which prevents your Creative Life-force from flowing freely.

what we’re going to do together to unlock the muse within

In this sacred activation, we call upon your Higher Self, body consciousness and Spirit to clear and heal what is ready to be released. Using Divine Healing and shamanic energy healing techniques as well as sound frequency healing and light language, I guide you to gently, safely, and painlessly clear any blocks to expressing your creative and personal power. 

Together, we will activate The Sacred Temple of Creativity by:

Working directly with Spirit to gracefully and permanently heal the womb space —empowering you to harness your feminine energy and unlock your full potential.

Releasing emotional blocks stored in the psyche and cells —making available the entire creative power gifted to you—to be expressed in art, in life and in the world.

Healing the physical effects of medication, surgery and trauma —helping you to release heaviness and to feel alive and inspired by life.

Clearing old and stuck energies from the physical and energetic womb space —opening and expanding your ability to create and express what your soul came here to do. 

Retrieving soul power from the spiritual realms through time and space —bringing back your power, joy and life force energy.

What you can expect during and after your initiation

  • Heal and transform at the cellular level, clearing hidden blocks to expressing your creative power

  • Release heaviness, trauma, grief and self-hatred stored in the womb

  • Increase your personal and creative power by tapping into the flow and abundance of Divine creative energy

  • Experience peace, clarity and joy and an expanded sense of power

  • Enhance physical well-being: to alleviate pain, boost reproductive health, and increase vitality

  • Open more deeply to the Divine Feminine, and trust in the flow of Grace

liberate your creative life force energy, Transform and connect to divine inspiration: the muse within

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The session is pain-free, and you will not need to re-experience any trauma. You may feel tingling sensations or become aware of energy shifting in your body or space. You may hear me singing or toning to encode energetic frequencies designed for you. I may ask you to repeat certain sentences to encode new frequencies that support your healing, though mostly I will say these for you so you can relax more fully.

  • Set an intention, which you will note in the booking form. During the session, find a comfortable place to relax quietly and undisturbed, lying down if possible. It’s best if I can see you on the Zoom call but you don’t need to look at the camera.

    You may wish to drink a big glass of water afterwards.

  • I use Divine Healing guided by Grace, your higher self, and your healing team. My role is to facilitate your healing, allowing your true power to be revealed.

    I may also draw upon shamanic practices such as soul retrieval and power retrieval and other energy healing techniques including sound via singing, toning and light language to support your healing at the deepest levels of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. I allow the healing energies you need in the moment to channel through me, grounding and encoding higher level frequencies into your multi-dimensional being.

  • You will feel different by the end of the session and may feel tired afterwards and wish to schedule a gentle day the day after. Full integration may take 6-7 days, and the full power of your creative life force will come online within 4-6 weeks. Sometimes we don’t notice a big change but realise some weeks later that the issues that were bothering us have dissolved and a new level of peace is felt.

  • Even if you do not have a physical womb, perhaps due to surgery, your energetic womb space remains. Clearing the trauma stored in the body and cellular memory will allow you to let go the heaviness and sluggishness you have been unable to release.

Who is this for?



light workers

This space is for women seeking to empower their creativity and connect with the Divine Feminine flow. Whether you are an artist or creative, a mother or have never conceived, a light worker or a spiritual entrepreneur, you are welcome.

This is sacred work and I hold you in deep reverence within a safe and unconditionally loving space dedicated to you and your healing.

  • I had a big release in my womb

    “I was feeling so jangled by life, very heady and ungrounded; something was very stuck. I felt really held and understood, and really seen which is really important after going through a life trauma. I had a really big release in my womb and the tears just flowed. And a big thing in my throat that I had to vocalise, and I felt safe to do that which is really important. I feel calm and more myself, more integrated and peaceful.

    — Johanna, Cornwall, UK

  • Profound healing in a safe space

    “Working together has been joyful. You were compassionate and clear in your communication during sessions guiding me through the clues. It was wonderful to be held in the safe space you created as it allowed some profound healing to take place.”

    – Emma, Portugal

about trudie

My name is Trudie Tara Moulton, an Artist and Divine Healer.

My spiritual awakening began over 20 years ago and has quickened in recent years with the embodiment of my Higher Self and development of my psychic abilities, which include clairaudience, clairsentience and light language.

I began painting in my mid-30s, transitioning from a corporate career to creating the bold colourful abstract paintings my soul delights in making. 

In my early 40s, after experiencing three miscarriages within 18 months, I embarked upon a personal healing journey to overcome the depths of grief, guilt, shame, self-hatred and despair. Some might say miraculously, at age 46, I gave birth to my son, who was conceived naturally.

I am trained in:

  • Divine Healing Master Key: Advanced Level 4

  • Shamanic Practices including soul retrieval, power retrieval, shadow work and alignment to our desires

  • Spiral Bridges, a form of shamanic healing with Nature Spirit allies in an amplified sacred structure 

Using my psychic gifts and training to support each client uniquely, I guide your session with an intimate understanding of the creative process and its spiritual significance for your soul’s journey.

“Your highest expression is indeed to unlock the creative Muse within. For with the keys which you have been given, you are perfectly positioned and inspired - and empowered - to assist in this most delicate of matters. This work is deeply spiritual and with your help, grounded in the physical.” 

Received from my Higher Self, July 2023

The Mission Of My Soul

…is to assist others in ascending to the Light

I am here to remind you that YOU have the power to heal and embody the Divine Feminine —living an expansive and inspiring life —and expressing the Creative Life force energy that longs to run through you.

feel seen, safe & held

Johanna shares her experience of working with Trudie Tara

unlock the muse within

Cost: £250 ($305)

Platform: online via Zoom

Duration: allow 2.5 hours

During the session, I encourage you to lie down somewhere comfortable so you can fully relax as I guide you through the healing. You will be required to fill in a booking form and make payment before booking your time slot.

Would you like to stay in touch?

Register your interest in Unlock The Muse Within and get on the list to be invited to a 12 week transformative journey with a select group of discerning women wishing to reignite their creative fire and welcome their Divine Feminine expression.